Our Team
We have a fabulous team of writers and curators of whom we are quite rightfully proud.

Brent L. Sims is from Tampa and has been interested in computers and new software forever and that led him to hacking and coding.This self-aknowledged nerd enjoys researching and reading about the future and all we are about to discover. Brent also likes playing with his daughters and introducing them to the world wide web.

Stephanie O. Cureton is from Arlington VA and has always been interested in figuring out new things and that led them to science reporting. Stephanie researches and reports on new tech and AI related medical news. She also enjoys video games and reading.

Carole L. Uhlig is from San Antonio and has always been interested in amazing new things and that led her to geekdom. Carole researches and reports on medical advances and robotics. She also enjoys her scooter and Youtube .